Intense work!
Intense study!
Intense stress!
As you can see, I feel like a swimmer who swim up to the surface to gasp air to continue with my "journey", but, if that's what it takes to reach the top, then I'm ready for it. =D
What if it's not what it takes to reach the top? then I am not ready? =X
Haha, joking. Continue with the topic of what I feel about here.
Savannah is kind of like...Melaka to me, it's historical heritage. The differences is, here is colder (cause of winter), people are nicer, air is fresher, but~~~ There's always a but, haha!
Here is more expensive lo, of cause la, each dollar you spend here you gotta times 3, if you are a Malaysian, and of cause, the food, totally cannot compare, it's out of league! Malaysia rules for nice food, haha! At least I think so.
Recently, quite a lot of nice thing happened, of cause there's bad stuff too, but I'm going to talk about nice stuff only, haha~
1st - I see some rare animal in one day! I mean, to me, they are rare. I see squirrel running all around the town! I always wished to own a trained squirrel, it will hang on your body and you can bring it go out. I am sure Collins wished to own one too. =P
Other than squirrel, I saw beaver too, on the river outside my hostel. =D
Then, an owl, a real owl in the city, not in the zoo, I find it cool, do not know bout you guys.
2nd - I went for an art gallery, it's called..."mr.beast", there's some painting and sculpture about monster. They sell toys there too, some Ultraman and the monster that appear in the movie. haha, it's so funny, I am sorry that I can't show the picture or the painting or sculpture. Well, there's a person who disguise as a robot with using boxes, and another guy wear a monster mascot. They fight! The robot dude kill the monster by using flash attack, they manually make the flash, it was so funny! The MC was talking with his japanese accent, you can imagine that you are in some kind of ultraman movie. Don't you think that's fun?
3rd - Third, I meet Malaysian here! I went over to their house and have a dinner together. They cooked me Hokkien mee, it was nice! After dinner, we chit chat a lil bit, exchange information and get to know each other better. The moment I enter the house I feel so weird, first is because I am shy (>.< "), 2nd, I do not know how to face girls, and they are so cute and pretty (gotta say like this, don't wanna get crushed...), no, I mean, they are! Haha!
Basically, this was what happened in this few day. When you are away from home, friends are those who you can count on, this is the time I realize the true value of friendship. Peace!
When I see this post, I suddenly feel like swimming... (though i can't swim well... haha)
ReplyDeleteTake a deep breathe and laugh!!!
I read newspaper just now that when happiness goes up, stress level goes down... like a see-saw...
So, be happy!
Share a quote with u:" Joy gives us wings! In times of joy, our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded." ^v^
You do swim well. =)
ReplyDeleteOf cause, when you are happy, you will not think of sadness, that's for sure.
A lot of insight flash into my mind just now, but now I forgotten, but, I believe when times comes, they will come back.
It just need some times to adjust it back, soon...soon...I will be ok. =)