Friday, July 23, 2010

It's been a long time

It's been a long time I did not post's because I am doing nothing and I just lay down in house doing nothing and getting root.

So, decided to get a job. Ironically, I founded a job in a japanese restaurant. I love sushi, but, too bad, now I can only look at sushi and see people eating it, but I can do nothing. Sometimes, it feel sucks, that... something u want it so much but you just could not help or do anything to get it...I believe, everyone meet this situation before...more than I does, I guess....some of you...=)

But, life goes on...simple yet hard eh...

There's something about this's just some easy and simple job, just have to clean the table and serve food and drinks, just like what a waiter do lah...but the problem is the the people who works there... as long as there's people, there's problem...Bah...this is what we meant by working...$ > feelings...u want money ? yes, then do it...yeap...guess no choice...